At St Bede's our work is clearly focused upon the core purpose in our Mission Statement: to realise the God-given potential of every student.
With that in mind our careers information, education and guidance are vital components in preparing students for fulfilled lives of service wherever God may call them.
The Gatsby Benchmarks
St Bede's is fully embracing the eight Gatsby Benchmarks for Careers Education and has a full programme of activities for all year groups based on the 8 key areas.
The Gatsby Benchmarks originated in a research report (Good Career Guidance) from the Gatsby Foundation in 2013. The report was commissioned to focus on ‘what works’ in career development. The report found 8 benchmarks of best practice which are now more commonly known as ‘The Gatsby Benchmarks.’ These have been adopted by the government to form their careers strategy.
For further information on the Gatsby Benchmarks please click here: Gatsby Benchmarks
A stable careers programme
- Please find details of our policy statement in the attached links along with an overview of our careers programme by year group.
- The designated lead for careers is Miss L Patten:
- Our independent careers advisor is Ms C Scibor
- The programme will be evaluated on a yearly basis.
Learning from career and labour market information – students should have access to information about future study options
- Students are given access to careers software as early as year 8 to support their subject options choices
- Students receive a number of assemblies based on possible careers and the labour market supported by our Enterprise Advisor
- Details of careers events are published on the careers board and shared with the relevant year group/s.
- Parental involvement in these events and in making future decisions is actively encouraged.
Addressing the needs of each student - ensure every student, regardless of their background, ability or circumstances is able to access the careers programme
- The programme is tailored to meet the needs of students at the appropriate stage.
- Students are given individual support that is personal to them via their form tutors and our careers advisor.
- Students are notified of specific opportunities which may be applicable to their situation.
Linking learning in the curriculum to careers – all subjects should link their subjects to careers.
- STEM subjects should promote the wide and diverse nature of careers offered. The careers programme includes some specific subject-related events
- All teachers are encouraged to link the skills learned in that area to potential careers.
Encounters with employers and employees - every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers and employment
- We endeavour to give our students opportunities to listen to and work with employers and employees from a wide variety of backgrounds.
- With support from our Enterprise Advisor and parents we offer assemblies that focus on a variety of careers.
- In year 9 students can undertake the Faith and Football Enterprise Challenge which allows them to work with local business leaders.
Experience of workplaces – every student should have first-hand experience through work visits/ work shadowing and/or work experience
- Students are encouraged to find work placements either through programmes run by companies such as Addenbrooke's Hospital or by local businesses in their own time.
Encounters with further and higher education - all students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them including academic, vocation and work based programmes.
- Students attend taster days at our key post 16 providers in year 10
- Many students have opportunities to visit universities as part of their subject studies
- We enjoy a link with Homerton College Cambridge which can provide support with higher education information.
Personal Guidance - every student should have the opportunity to have a guidance interview with a Careers Advisor
- All students in years 10 and 11 are offered at least one meeting with a careers advisor. The meetings are documented with notes for students to use to support them in the future.
- Additional sessions may be offered according to need
Key Documents
Policy on Access for FE and Apprenticeship Providers
Helpful Links
The following websites/ documents may be helpful when looking for support with careers
Careers Advice For Parents
Hills Road
Long Road
Cambridge Regional College
The Oakes
Impington Village College
Comberton Village College
Careers in the Armed Forces