Head's Welcome

Pupils swell with pride when they talk about their school. They flourish in a harmonious, safe and happy environment.
Ofsted, June 2024

Welcome to St Bede’s Inter-Church School. I hope our website will provide an insight into the life of our vibrant school community and the very full programme of inspiring activities we offer.

St Bede’s Inter-Church School is very special, being the only Christian secondary school within the county of Cambridgeshire. Our foundation is shared Anglican and Roman Catholic, so we enjoy the support of both the dioceses of Ely and East Anglia. Our students choose to travel from throughout the county to study at St Bede’s and we are delighted by the progress they make in their learning with us.

High expectations, the continual pursuit of excellence and an extremely talented and dedicated staff contribute to St Bede's consistently ranking among the highest performing schools in the region for both attainment and progress.

Visitors to St Bede’s often remark on the strength of relationships between staff and students; this is very important to us. We know that confident, happy children find it easier to take risks in their learning, leading to faster progress.

As a church school, our Christian ethos is central to all we do. As you would expect, we have an active chaplaincy, close links with local parishes and an outstanding RE department. Above all, we seek to foster confidence and resilience in our learners in the knowledge that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

St Bede’s has around 900 students, supporting a family atmosphere where each child is known by name and not reduced to a statistic. We offer an impressive range of extra-curricular opportunities: students enjoy overseas visits, celebrate success at a regional level in a wide range of sports and perform in various musical groups, both within school and beyond.

The school is located on an attractive campus on the edge of the beautiful city of Cambridge. Celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2021, St Bede’s buildings have developed over time to keep pace with the expansion of our popular and oversubscribed school.

Both Ofsted and the Diocesan inspections judged St Bede’s to be ‘outstanding in every category’ in 2013 and 2016. We are not complacent, however, but seek to constantly innovate and improve the education we provide. Our aim is to develop the God-given potential in all our students so that they can go on to be confident, well-balanced and successful members of their communities wherever they are called to serve.

Mr Alistair Day


It has ever been my delight to learn or to teach or to write.
Bede the Venerable