Governance Structure for St Bede's Inter-Church School
St Bede’s Inter-Church School converted to an academy in March 2012 and continues to build upon its Christian foundation supported by the Church of England Diocese of Ely and the Catholic Diocese of East Anglia.
Robust and effective governance has contributed to the successful growth of St Bede’s Inter-Church School to allow provision beyond our current site in Cambridge. In readiness for an ambitious and exciting future, our governance structure is being updated to increase to five Members and to limit to 12 Directors. We are privileged that our Directors bring a wealth of skills, experience and qualifications to their roles, as highlighted below. Our Site Trustees oversee the academy estate and include representation from both our dioceses and from the Church Schools of Cambridge.
The executive leadership of the school report to Members and Directors to provide information necessary for effective interrogation and challenge. Independent financial audits, inspection reports and reviews are published by the Trust for scrutiny.
Bishop Peter Collins – Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of East Anglia
Archdeacon Alex Hughes – Ely Board of Finance
Rev Dr Geoff Cook – Chair of Directors
Specific business is dealt with in the following committees:
- Teaching and Learning Committee - meets once per term
- Finance Committee - meets once per half term
- Health and Safety Committee - meets once per term
- Admissions Panel - meets when necessary, but at least once per academic year
- Chaplaincy Committee - meets once per term
Summary of Pecuniary Interest 2024-25
Directors can be contacted via the Clerk, Mrs L Pollock, at:
St Bede’s Inter-Church School
Birdwood Road
Tel. 01223 568816
or email:
The purpose of the school is to provide a high quality secondary education inspired by the educational vision of our two foundation churches. The Directors are working to provide the highest standard of education, spiritual growth and Christian and personal formation. The students are:
Encouraged to nurture their gifts and talents
Offered a programme to develop knowledge, understanding, imagination and practical skills in all areas of the curriculum
Encouraged to leave the school with the highest qualifications of which they are capable
Encouraged to work with Directors, with staff, with each other and with others in developing their own personalities and in acquiring respect for themselves and for others
Encouraged to become independent and to acquire self-discipline, wisdom and a sense of responsibility
Encouraged to take care of the world in which they live
Able to share with the whole school community a common faith in God revealed in Jesus Christ
Enabled to grow in the nurture and faith of their own churches and to participate in discerning partnership and informed dialogue with others
Enabled to develop a sense of their personal vocations as Christians
Helped to develop a partnership with the local community in meeting local needs, especially through the use of the school premises and facilities
Able to share in the partnership which the school promotes with families, the Churches and primary schools
Encouraged to understand their relationships to people and their needs worldwide