Exam Results
GCSE Results 2024
Our students achieved outstanding results in 2024.
We are delighted to celebrate the incredibly high performance of our students in their 2024 GCSE examinations. Both the attainment of our students and the progress they demonstrated whilst studying at St Bede's exceeds national expectations. Students from St Bede's are able to progress to further education at A level and in vocational courses following their excellent foundation. St Bede's Inter-Church School's emphasis on the highest quality of teaching within a self-disciplined and caring school environment is valued by our community and ensures successful outcomes.
To achieve a progress figure of this magnitude places St Bede's securely within the top 2% secondary schools in England.
St Bede's has now been placed within the top 3% of schools, nationally, for the last 4 full GCSE sessions (2019, 2022, 2023 and 2024) indicating that students at St Bede's consistently make outstanding progress.
As a school we are far from complacent however, and always strive to find ways we can improve even further.
Please see: Compare Schools and College Performance, (DfE) for more detail.
PROGRESS 8: This is the new headline measure for schools and represents the average progress students have made in relation to national expectations (+1.0 represents an average of 1 grade per subject higher than national expectations for similar students. A progress 8 figure of +0.50 or greater represents the highest category of progress a school can achieve).
ATTAINMENT 8: This is the average attainment across the 8 subjects that qualify for this measure (English (x2), maths (x2), the best 3 grades from the Ebacc subjects, and the best 3 remaining subjects for each student); the ten best grades.
% E&M (grade 5+): This is the % of students across the whole cohort who achieved a grade 5 or better in Maths and an English subject.
% E&M (grade 4+): This is the % of students across the whole cohort who achieved a grade 4 or better in Maths and an English subject (i.e. the new benchmark pass).
% Ebacc Entered: This is the % of students entered for the Ebacc qualification (i.e. entered into the five pillars of the EBacc: English, maths, science, a language, and history or geography).
Ebacc Average Point Score: This is average point score across the five pillars of the EBacc - English, maths, science, a language, and history or geography – with a zero for any missing pillars.