Who to Talk To - Key Contacts

Who to talk to - key contacts

All at St Bede’s are devoted to ensuring that all students are cared for and supported when in need. We have many staff members on hand to lead and support with student welfare. In particular:

Rev. Alexandra Clarke (Chaplain): chaplaincy@stbedes.cambs.sch.uk

Stephen Allen (Chaplaincy Support, Inclusion Manager): sallen@stbedes.cambs.sch.uk

Dr Fiona Ross (SENDCo and Assistant Headteacher): send@stbedes.cambs.sch.uk

Jenny Steward (Asst SENDCo): send@stbedes.cambs.sch.uk

Within the St Bede’s community, staff go the extra mile when it comes to offering support to our students and their families. All staff, whether teaching or non-teaching, are approachable and ready to listen should a student, parent or carer need to reach out to someone.

The primary pastoral contact for most students will be their form tutor, who will also meet weekly with the Heads of Year.

Heads of Year always welcome contact from parents. Our community is very much built on the strength of the partnerships we build with our families.

We also have special pages devoted to the following:

Medical Needs and Medicines



Advice relating to anti-bullying

We have a robust, restorative approach to bullying within school, and we follow our anti-bullying policy:

Anti-bullying policy

We remind our students that there are lots of different people at school that they can talk to including their form tutor, Head of Year or any member of staff they feel comfortable talking with.

Any concern will be listened to and taken seriously.

We urge any parents with concerns to contact the school immediately, too. The primary contact for parents should be the form tutor and Head of Year. For more serious concerns, please contact any member of the school SLT.


Advice relating to helping a child with low self-esteem or low mood

There are many excellent resources available for anyone experiencing low self-esteem, or low mood. In addition to speaking to any trusted adult at St Bede’s, the following resource is also a great go-to destination for students and parents and carers:

Self-esteem and believing in yourself (youngminds.org)


External help and advice


Get free, confidential support from a Childline counsellor about anything you want to. You can talk to Childline from 7:30am-3:30am every day, either online, by calling 0800 1111 or by sending a message from their website.


Kooth is a digital mental health support service for young people aged 11 to 25 where they can access online support from a team of experienced counsellors. Access is free and there are a range of tools, such as activities and moderated chat forums that can be used to enhance young people’s mental health and wellbeing.



Support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations.


Victim Support

Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents including domestic violence and abuse in England and Wales.


Contact the police

If you’re feeling unsafe, you can always talk to the police. In an emergency, you can call 999 to get help straight away.

To report an incident or crime you can contact the police online
You can also report online sexual abuse or exploitation to CEOP

To report online material promoting terrorism or extremism contact report terrorism