Pupil Premium
The pupil premium and our strategy
The pupil premium is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. To find out more about the pupil premium and which students are eligible, please see: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pupil-premium/pupil-premium
St Bede's Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-27
Free school meals
Through the pupil premium, pupils recorded as eligible for free school meals can access far more than simply a meal at lunchtime, and these benefits can span a period of at least six years from the initial allowance.
We would encourage all parents and carers whose children may be eligible for free school meals to pursue this support avenue. If you are unsure as to the benefits, please do not hesitate to contact us at St Bede’s. For more information about applying for free school meals, please see the Free School Meals page.
Looked After and Previously-Looked After Children
Funding for Looked After and Post-Looked After Children, or the pupil premium plus, is managed by our Designated Teacher for Looked After Children.
We can only claim funding for Post-Looked After Children if parents/carers inform us. This information must be declared each time your child starts a new school. The funding is used to support your child’s learning at St Bede’s so it is important that we are made aware. If your child has been in local authority care, even for a day, and you are not certain that we know this, please do contact us.
We understand that a young person’s early experiences may have a lasting impact and that every pupil is unique. We aim to work in partnership with families to ensure that each pupil’s education experience is positive and that they achieve the very best they can. With this in mind we would encourage you to contact us with any questions.