New Students Transition

Welcome to the St Bede's community!

We hope you love our school as much as we all do.

Whether you're going to be joining us in year 7, or whether you will be joining us at another point in your schooling, we've developed some pages providing a little insight into school life, to help you find your feet. If you'd like to visit us (and we hope you do), please feel free to contact our office to arrange a date and time:


We hope that the documents, web pages and electronic Forms (below) provide the information you need in regards to your child joining St Bede's, however do please contact the office, using the email address above, should you require any further assistance.

Medical Information (linked page on website)
Privacy Notice - Students
Privacy Notice - Parents/Carers
School Meals (linked page on website)
School Transport (linked page on website)
School Uniform Information (linked page on website)
Term Dates 2024-25

For Free School Meals Application, please use this LINK