Food & Nutrition
Statement of Intent
Our Aim is to promote lifelong healthy eating habits so that students are able to feed themselves and others. We do this by equipping students with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating when selecting, modifying and preparing dishes. They will develop understanding in food provenance and food production and consider the wider world and environmental issues to instil a respect for the world’s resources, diverse cultural qualities, and for the needs of themselves and others.
(‘Promoting lifelong healthy eating habits’ - UN Food and Agriculture Organisation)
Through food and nutrition, students will:
- Demonstrate effective and safe cooking skills by planning, preparing and cooking using a variety of ingredients, processes and equipment.
- Develop knowledge and understanding of the functional, chemical properties and processes as well as the nutritional content of food and drinks
- Understand the relationship between diet, nutrition and health, for physiological and psychological well-being and the possible effects of a poor diet.
- Learn about the economic, environmental, ethical, and socio-cultural influences on food availability, production processes, and diet and health choices in order to make informed choices.
- Be able to plan for and evaluate functional and nutritional properties, sensory qualities when preparing, processing, storing, cooking and serving food
- Explore a range of ingredients and processes from different culinary traditions (traditional British and international), to inspire new ideas or modify existing recipes
KS3 students in years 7 and 8 will concentrate on learning about key concepts and practical skills which develop in complexity over the two years. This provides a good foundation for study at GCSE. In year 9, Students follow transitional modules to further enhance practical skills which also incorporate some GCSE theory work. They formally begin GCSE in the spring term. This early start gives them the opportunity to extend and embed their knowledge in greater detail and to practise science experiments and more high skilled dishes in preparation for the NEAs. Students are encouraged to consider future prospects and possible career pathways during their studies.
For more details please contact:
Mrs J Emmans, Head of Faculty for Expressive Arts & Technology:
Miss M Hope, Head of Food & Nutrition: