Art and Textiles
Statement of Intent
The balance between teacher intervention and student direction is a delicate one. In teaching Art at St Bede’s we are cautious in allowing students to be free to follow their own instincts, which may result in unrealistic activities. Equally, we are careful to guard against using too structured a task, which may result in pre-determined and uneventful outcomes. We aim to be sensitive about when to intervene in the learning process.
Our aim is to develop programmes of study that:
- Are appropriate to the needs of all students.
- Encourage motivation, response, commitment and self-confidence through direct practical involvement.
- Provide a balance between the acquisition of skills and the understanding of concepts.
- Provide students with situations that initially encourage participation in their own learning and increasingly develop independent study.
- Give insight to the achievements of other artists and designers, either through secondary sources or direct experience.
- Encourage the highest level of achievement through motivation, commitment, self-confidence, responsibility, self-control and consideration for, and co-operation with, others.
It is essential that staff organise their projects/programmes of study and deliver these to promote effective and positive working relationships between staff and students and students and their peers.
Schemes of work, together with project briefs, must encourage confidence, self-discipline and pride in achievement, which, in turn, will lead to a greater independence of learning and study. Schemes of work should encourage progression and continuity throughout a student’s career.
- Art is at the centre of the student’s learning.
- Lessons shall be a lasting, enjoyable and challenging experience.
- Students should fully understand what they are supposed to be doing.
- Precise aims and objectives should be set, while providing the opportunity to extend the boundaries of learning.
- The active involvement of students in their own learning should be encouraged
Art and Textiles Curriculum Map
For more details please contact:
Mrs Julia Emmans, Head of Expressive Arts: