Musical & Theatrical Productions

Drama Productions 

The school annually presents two drama productions: a lower school play and an upper school play. As well as acting, there are opportunities for students to assist with rehearsals, prop-making, costume-making and make-up design. Everyone is welcome to audition and/or sign up for a role. The tremendous commitment, creativity and camaraderie of all the students involved is commendable.


Music Events 

St Bede’s has a thriving music department with performances every term. Through our termly recitals, we offer students the opportunity to perform solos, duets and trios in front of an audience. These are designed to encourage students’ confidence and often include performances from students who are about to sit ABRSM or GCSE exams. 

We host a large-scale Christmas concert presenting our orchestra, choirs, jazz band and other large ensembles. This is combined with a Carol Service that includes our Chaplaincy Representatives and is held at a local church. Individuals and student groups also regularly perform during end of term liturgies.


Expressive Arts Showcase 

During the summer term, our Expressive Arts & Technology departments present our annual showcase which exhibits the work completed by GCSE students in art, drama, design & technology, food technology, music and textiles. There is an art and product design exhibition, a fashion show from textiles and a music recital from approximately 40 soloists. There are also several drama performances intermittently shown within the evening. Food technology students provide and serve delicious canapés during the event.  The evening culminates with a concert by the orchestra, choirs, string groups, woodwind groups and other large ensembles.