Welcome to St Bede’s Inter-Church School. I hope our website will provide an insight into the life of our vibrant school community and the very full programme of inspiring activities we offer.
St Bede’s Inter-Church School is very special, being the only Christian secondary school within the county of Cambridgeshire. Our foundation is shared Anglican and Roman Catholic, so we enjoy the support of both the dioceses of Ely and East Anglia. Our students choose to travel from throughout the county to study at St Bede’s and we are delighted by the progress they make in their learning with us.
Experiences at St Bede's
Year: 11 - House: Corinth - Favourite Subject: Chemistry
People should come to St Bede's because there is just such a sense of community where you can create life-long friendships.
Year: 8 - House: Rome - Favourite Subject: Art
People should come to St Bede's because there is a wide range of subjects. In P.E. there are a lot of different sports you can take part in, either in lessons, or after school.
Year: 9 - House: Colossae - Favourite Subject: Life Skills and Food
It's really friendly here and the teachers are lovely.
Year: 10 - House: Philippi - Favourite Subject: Computer Science
I think St Bede's is a really welcoming environment for younger people. Also, the teachers are always kind and helpful, especially when you don't understand a topic. There is something for everyone at St Bede's.
Year: 10 - House: Colossae - Favourite Subject: Maths
People should want to come to St Bede's because it provides many opportunities to experience fun things, and provides a great education in the process.
Year: 10 - House: Rome - Favourite Subject: P.E.
St Bede's has an excellent science department which has given me a detailed insight into the world of chemistry, physics and biology. The sports facilities are excellent, too, with lots of sports options through clubs in, and out of school hours. One thing that is always true about our school is the unwavering support from teachers and staff within our community.